

Central Asian Railway Summit, hosted by Turkey State Railways (TCDD) was held in Ankara with the participation of officials of Iran, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, and Turkmenistan.

According to information received from Kabar.kg news site, at the Central Asian Railway Summit following topics in this area were discussed: container transportation tariff, establishment of logistics centers, opening of railway lines and cooperation.

The summit was held in Ankara Hotel Conference Hall with the participation of TCDD General Manager Ali İhsan Uygun, Chairman of the Board of TCDD Transportation Inc. Kamuran Yazıcı, Chairman of the National Railways of Kazakhstan Sauat Mynbaev, Deputy Minister of Iranian Road and Urbanization Saeid Rasouli, Vice President of Turkmenistan Railways Agency Rezhepmamet Rezhepmamedov and Chairman of Uzbekistan Railways Husniddin Hasilov.

Within the framework of the lines and common tariffs for the "Southern Corridor" for international railway transportation summit, the terms of the container transportation tariff on the China-Kazakhstan-Uzbekistan-Turkmenistan-Iran-Turkey route were discussed.

At the summit, the arrangements for the circulation of freight wagons in accordance with international standards of TCDD by bilateral agreements were evaluated. It was focused on making logistics centers in connecting points in certain regions of Turkey, Iran and Kazakhstan.

After the talks, the Central Asian Railways Summit Goodwill Protocol was signed between the parties.

“We aim to increase trade volume.”

TCDD Director General Uygun stated that the trade between Europe and Asia is increasing day by day, the situation makes railways more attractive.

Within this scope, the Director emphasized that they aim to increase the trade volume among the countries of the region by creating a new transportation corridor, which may also be called the Southern Transportation Corridor. He said that: “In recent years, China has been implementing important projects to improve its transport network. Freight trains departing from China by these projects to reach Europe via Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Iran and Turkey via the Southern Corridor Railway line are the great commercial opportunity for our countries. I firmly believe that we will turn this opportunity into profit on behalf of our countries through close cooperation. As TCDD, we always wish to contribute to our cooperation and to keep our relations at the highest level.”

The Southern Transport Corridor is seen as the new silk route, as it is of great importance for the Chinese trade, especially transportation transport, to the west through Central Asia.

Kaynak: http://kabar.kg/tur/news/orta-asya-demiryollar-zirvesi/