
The Tajik-Belarusian Closed Joint Stock Company Agrotechservice plans to export 12 units of Belarus-512 tractors to Pakistan.

 As reported by "Avesta" in the Ministry of Industry and New Technology of the country, the corresponding agreement was signed with the Pakistani company PAK FOODS.

 According to the source, preparatory work is currently underway to export a given number of tractors to Pakistan.

 The Ministry of Industry also reported that it is planned to organize the assembly of tractors Belarus-982.1 and Belarus-982.2 on the production base “Agrotechservice” and thus provide dekhkan farms of Tajikistan with modern agricultural equipment.

 The joint venture of Belarus and Tajikistan in Gissar plans to continue to supply various models of tractors to Uzbekistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

 The construction of the Tajik-Belarusian enterprise for the assembly of tractors and other agricultural equipment started in 2016. The first stage of production was commissioned on May 16, 2018. The second line of the enterprise was launched at the end of September.

 Since the beginning of 2018, the company has collected 106 units of agricultural machinery, including 84 Belarus-82.1 tractors, 10 Belarus-80X tractors, and 10 Belarus-512 trailed tractors.

