

A total of nine energy projects are being carried out in Tajikistan at a cost of 6 billion somoni, or 619 million USD.

According to the information dated on 25.10.19 from Tajikistan's tajikta.tj website, in a press release distributed by the Ministry of Energy and Industry of Tajikistan were said, “The projects generally provide renovation of existing energy facilities. Among these, modernization of large and medium-sized hydroelectric power plants, high-voltage power lines and all substations will be renewed; especially Nurek, Kayrakkum and Sarband hydroelectric stations will be modernized.”

Credit and grant funds of international financial institutions will be used for the implementation of the project.

Kaynak: https://tajikta.tj/ru/news/v-tadzhikistane-realizuyutsya-devyat-energeticheskikh-proektov-na-619-mln-