
Since 2005, the total volume of investments from Italy to Kazakhstan has reached $ 6.6 billion. At the Kazakhstan-Italy Business Forum held in Nur Sultan, the capital of Kazakhstan, Yerlan Hairov, Special Affairs Ambassador of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan, made a statement to the Kazpravda.kz news agency.

According to information from the Kazpravda.kz news site, Ambassador Yerlan Kairov said that more than 400 registered Italian capital companies are registered in Kazakhstan and 275 of them are active. Yerlan Kairov noted, “Italian companies operate in various sectors such as trade, service delivery and oil. Generally speaking, we have received great interest from Italian companies. When we look at the statistics, we see that Italy has invested a total of USD 6.6 billion in the economy of Kazakhstan since 2005. We believe that the Kazakhstan-Italy Business Forum, organized for the first time this year, will have a positive impact on the arrival of Italian investors to Kazakhstan.”

According to Ambassador Yerlan Kairo’s statement, more than $ 24 billion was invested in Kazakhstan in 2018, and Kazakhstan’s economy grew by 15% in 2018.

According to the information provided by the press service of Kazakh Invest Corporation, the national export and investment agency of Kazakhstan, in the first 8 months of 2019, it was stated that Kazakhstan’s foreign trade volume with Italy was 6.7 billion dollars.

Kaynak: https://www.kazpravda.kz/news/ekonomika/italiya-investirovala-pochti-7-mlrd-dollarov-v-ekonomiku-kazahstana-za-poslednie-godi