
According to the statement by Heydar Abdikarimov, Secretary General of the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route Union (TITR), the Middle Corridor joint venture between Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkey and Kazakhstan is under development and is expected to be officially ready in early or mid 2023.

“Yes, the joint venture is being formally done, but we have to wait at least until the end of the year, most likely the company will become official in mid-2023,” said Heydar Abdikarimov.

According to Abdikarimov, such a joint venture will ease the migration processes. It will also add value to the Middle Corridor by facilitating the movement of goods across the territory of several countries.

Also, on March 31, four countries- Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkey and Kazakhstan- signed a quadruple statement on the development of the Trans-Caspian International Transport Corridor, which aims to strengthen cooperation and increase the transit potential of countries along the corridor.

In the declaration, the importance of cooperation between countries along the route and investment in infrastructure development for the integration of the Trans-Caspian transport corridor into the international transport system was emphasized.
