

National Economy Minister of Kazakhstan Ruslan Dalenov said that the country’s oil production would rise to 90 million tons next year and 100 million tons in 2024.


Kazakhstan has established a visa-free regime with 61 countries. About this today, July 24, the report of the Committee of the Migration Service of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic.

On 17.06.2019, the heads of government of Uzbekistan Abdulla Aripov and Kazakhstan  Askar Mamin attended the joint opening ceremony of the international Beineu-Akzhigit-Uzbekistan border road.

On July 9, at the meeting of the Government of Kazakhstan, a comprehensive plan for the development of the city of Shymkent until 2023 was adopted.


Today, in the capital of Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan, the European Union and the World Bank signed an agreement to allocate a new grant of 7 million euros to support measures to strengthen water and energy security in Central Asia.


The Russian agro-industrial holding Ekokultura plans to build a large greenhouse complex in the Turkestan region.


The charter of the joint Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) of Turkic-speaking countries was signed in the city of Nur-Sultan.

The akim's press service reports that in Almaty,

The day before, on May 13, ten fitting platforms departed from the Kazakhstani port of Aktau by a container block train Aktau-Tashkent, which housed 20 twenty-foot containers owned by JSC Uzbekistan Temir Yollari.

The Khabar 24 TV channel reported that in Zhambyl Oblast, the repair of the Western Europe-Western China highway was started.