“It is very important that Central Asia receives some benefit from the One Belt - One Road project and should not be only a corridor for the exchange of goods between Europe and Asia,” said head of the Central Asia Department at the European External Action Service Boris Yaroshevich.

According to him, in 2017, the European Union decided to update the strategy of cooperation with Central Asia. It is expected that the new will be accepted in 2019 and it will correspond to the current realities. In addition, a month ago, the EU published a strategy of interconnection between Europe and Asia.

“Central Asia should not only be a corridor for the exchange of goods, but also give added value to them. Also, should not forget about the services. In addition, conjugation is not only the East – West and North – South corridors, but also access to the sea through Afghanistan. Interest in Central Asia is also related to Afghanistan, the conflict in this country and the role of Central Asian countries in peace negotiations,”- emphasized Boris Yaroshevich.

With regard to the new strategy of EU cooperation with Central Asia, the emphasis in it was made on solving the problems of the regional level and developing interconnectedness and cooperation within the region.

“Five years ago, Central Asia was seen as a source of problems. But now we see that there are answers to difficult questions, that Central Asia is not a problem but an example for other regions of the world when it comes to cooperation in the field of water resources, ”he concluded.
