
As the head of the Bishkek passenger transport Agency Nursultan Koichubakov told Akipress that they are currently working on two different projects for the purchase of electric buses: investment funds (leasing) and credit tools.

"We want to buy 50-55 electric buses for leasing money. As for the second project – we are now working closely with Asian Development Bank. Recently, with an ADB mission we came to understand that they are ready to provide us with a loan of 50-70 million dollars for the purchase of electric buses. We are working on this issue. I hope we will reach the finish line with ABD and the projects will be ready by the autumn of 2020, " he said. "We plan to announce the lease purchase in April. But we don’t know if there will be parties with interest in our these projects," - said Nursultan Koichubakov. 
