On April 28, during a meeting of the operational staff, the chief Executive of Kyrgyzstan, Mukhammedkaly Abylgaziev, announced that a plan has been developed for the gradual restoration of economic activity in the Republic. Since May 1, 2020, beauty salons are allowed to resume work, but on the condition that services will be provided only by appointment, in order to prevent mass congestion, the press service of the government of Kyrgyzstan reports.

According to Abylgaziev, the recovery plan was developed strictly following the rules of the epidemiological situation.
Therefore, from May 1, the authorized activities include the sphere of services for repair and maintenance of vehicles, wholesale of construction materials, wholesale of fabrics and accessories, with the exception of markets.
In addition, livestock markets are allowed in remote localities to help farmers.
Also, since May 11, the list of renewable organizations includes all offices and editorial offices of mass media that worked remotely.
