
A state tourism development fund will be established in Kyrgyzstan. The statement was made on October 21 by the head of the Cabinet of Ministers Akylbek Zhaparov during the republican meeting of heads of local self-government bodies. He stressed that 1 billion soms (about $ 11.8 million) will be allocated for the development of tourism, the government's press service reports.

According to Zhaparov, special attention will be paid to the repair of roads that lead to tourist sites. The above-mentioned fund will be endowed with broad powers. The institution will be able to lease objects of the tourism industry, conclude contracts for the purchase and sale, development of relevant objects.

Akylbek Zhaparov noted that some changes will be made to the legislation that will stimulate the development of the tourism industry of the republic.

Part of the money allocated by the government will be directed to the formation of tourist clusters — a ski complex in Karakol, as well as a number of corresponding resorts in the cities of Osh and Jalal-Abad.

The Prime Minister instructed each region to create a unique and easily recognizable logo among tourists.

