
On 3 June, the Uzbek-Turkish business forum on construction materials will be held in Istanbul, with the cooperation of the Association of Construction Materials Enterprises of Türkiye, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Uzpromstroymaterialy Association.

The purpose of organizing the forum is to develop new types of building materials and increase the share of investment projects in the industry by attracting Turkish investors and major brands to Uzbekistan in the production of building materials.

Representatives of the business circles of the two countries, investors, international experts and specialists are expected to attend the forum. The forum is planned to hear reports on the export-import indicators of building materials in Türkiye, new types of products, and scientific achievements in this direction.

Also at the event there will be presentations on the prospects for the development of the building materials industry in Uzbekistan, demand for products, raw material reserves, and the investment climate.

During the forum, it was noted that the aspiration of Uzbekistan and Turkey to mutual partnership is an important step in the history of the two countries for the sake of the future.

It should be noted that Turkey is one of the important trade partners of Uzbekistan. In 2016, the volume of trade turnover amounted to $1.2 billion. In the first 9 months of this year, the indicators of mutual trade grew by 29%.

About 500 Turkish firms and companies operate in Uzbekistan. This year, more than 20 enterprises with participation of Turkish investments have been organized in Uzbekistan, representative offices of 53 companies have been accredited. The organizers invite compatriots who want to establish and expand entrepreneurial activity in the field of construction materials to participate in the business forum.
