
The Uzbek-Kyrgyz business forum was held in Tashkent, which brought together officials, heads of regional structures, industry associations, as well as more than 350 entrepreneurs from both countries. This is reported by the press service of the government of Uzbekistan.

At the opening of the forum, Deputy Prime Minister of Uzbekistan Zhamshid Khodjaev emphasized that relations between Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan continue to strengthen. He believes that this has become possible due to the constant dialog between the heads of the two countries.

It was noted that the volume of trade turnover between the two countries has exceeded the mark of 1 billion dollars. The authorities of Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan are going to increase mutual supplies of a wide range of goods, such as textiles, plastics, footwear, construction materials, fertilizers, household appliances, food and IT services.

The forum resulted in 20 agreements, memorandums and trade contracts in various sectors such as food production, construction materials, establishment of a logistics center, waste management, mineral exploration, coal supply, IT services, electrical appliances and agricultural products.
