The international company Masdar from the UAE will build one of the largest wind farms in the world in Navoi region, according to the Ministry of Investment and Foreign Trade.


The Chinese authorities have opened a new transport corridor. The trains ride to Uzbekistan around the territory of Kazakhstan. The Global Times reports that the first cargo train left Lanzhou (Gansu Province) for Tashkent on June 5.


Uzbekistan will resume accepting foreign tourists at the same time as Turkey.


Turkish Aksa Energy is implementing an investment project in Uzbekistan to build a new combined cycle gas power plant with a capacity of 240 MW in Tashkent. The project is implemented based on an agreement signed by the company with the Ministry of energy of the Republic of Uzbekistan.


Uzbekistan will start producing Volkswagen cars. This is reported by the press service of "Uzavtosanoat". Sales of the Volkswagen Caddy will begin in July.

Uzbekistan intends to implement a set of measures to restore and develop domestic tourism. One of its main parts is the new system of sanitary and epidemiological safety for tourists in Uzbekistan is Safe travel guaranteed (Uzbekistan. Safe travel is guaranteed). Today it was presented to Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

The company "Uzozikovkatholding" (Uzpishchepromholding) this season exported 3 thousand 320 tons of cherries to Kyrgyzstan, the press service of the Uzbek company reported.

Uzbekistan's foreign trade turnover has reached $10.82 billion, according to the Uzbek Telegraph Agency (Uztag).
Uzbekistan has trade relations with more than 150 countries around the world. The largest volume of its foreign trade turnover among them is recorded with the Russian Federation (16.7%), China (16.6%), Kazakhstan (8.3%), the Republic of Korea (7.4%), Turkey (5.6%), Kyrgyzstan (2.0%) and Germany (2.0%).

On behalf of the President of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, another humanitarian aid has been sent to Dushanbe. The 24-ton cargo was sent with medicines, mainly antibiotics.

70 companies and consortia from 30 countries have applied for participation in the tender for the construction of the first 100 MW wind power plant in Uzbekistan. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Energy. The wind power plant will be built in the Karauzyak district of the Republic of Karakalpakstan. “The first tender for the wind energy project will be implemented with the support of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development under the cooperation agreement, the main purpose of which is the construction of wind power plants with a total capacity of 1 GW,” the ministry reported. The winners of the tender will participate in the development, financing, construction, ownership and operation of facilities under this project. This project is a part of comprehensive strategy for launching renewable energy sources implemented by the government of the Republic of Uzbekistan.