
The Russian-Kyrgyz Development Fund plans to make a loan agreement worth 100 million dollars in 2019.


Asia Plus reported that for the first two months of this year, Uzbekistan has become one of the five countries of the world to  have provided Tajikistan with the most  humanitarian aid.

A delegation of Turkish businessmen headed by the honorable consul of the Kyrgyz Republic in Turkey Mustafa Kurt met with the leadership of the Issyk-Kul region.



 First Deputy Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan Kubatbek Boronov proposed to invest in the economic corridor between the regions of Central Asia, particulariy ın Almaty - Bishkek economic corridor, during the first Central Asian Economic Forum.


On March 16, the “GM Uzbekistan" company exported the first batch of cars to Kazakhstan, according to the automaker's website.


The Tajik-Belarusian Closed Joint Stock Company Agrotechservice plans to export 12 units of Belarus-512 tractors to Pakistan.


On March 14, the largest city hospital in Europe was opened in Ankara.


An American company, Epsilon Development LLC, has started gas production at the Talimarjan field in Kashkadarya region.


In the airports of Astana, Almaty and Shymkent in 2022  a Tax Free  system to refund value-added tax on purchases (VAT) for foreigners is planned to be implemented.


The Ministry of Economics and Industry of Uzbekistan reported on the results of the working group on cooperation between Russia and Uzbekistan in agriculture.