
Turkmenistan’s deliveries of pipeline gas to China in January-February 2022 totaled $1.44 billion, a 1.47-fold increase compared to the same period last year, Russia’s TASS news agency reported on Sunday with reference to the General Administration of Customs of China.


According to the news of Dunyo news agency, the management of Aktau Port (Kazakhstan) is ready to accept applications from Uzbekistan companies for cargo transportation.

An agreement was reached during the meeting between Uzbekistan's Consul General in Aktau and Aktau Commercial Port Chairman Abay Turikpenbayev.


The first plant for the production of elevator equipment has been opened in Kyrgyzstan. The opening ceremony was attended by the head of the Cabinet of Ministers Akylbek Zhaparov, the press service of the authority reports.


According to the information shared by the government's press service, the possibility of launching a pilot project for the construction of a 100 MW solar power plant in Kyrgyzstan is being discussed.


In the period from March 16 to 17, 2022 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, a delegation headed by the General Director of the State Enterprise "NC "Kyrgyz Temir Zholu" (The Kyrgyz Railway) Azamat Sakiev took part in a meeting of heads of railway administrations on the project of development of the international multimodal corridor "Asia-Pacific countries - China - Kyrgyzstan - Uzbekistan - Turkmenistan - Azerbaijan - Georgia - Europe". This was reported by the State Enterprise "NC "Kyrgyz Temir Zholu".


Minister of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic Alymkadyr Beishenaliev met with his Turkish counterpart Fahrettin Koca as part of a working trip to Turkey.


It is planned to open trade and logistics centers for agricultural producers and cargo transit on the border areas of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Republic of Kazakhstan. This was reported in the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic.


Kyrgyzstan and Qatar discussed the issue of opening a trade hub on the territory of the free economic zones of Qatar in order to further export domestic products to the Persian Gulf countries. This is reported by the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic.


The Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Serdar Berdimuhamedov won the presidential elections in Turkmenistan, receiving 72.97% of the votes, the Central Election Commission of Turkmenistan announced on Tuesday.


On March 13, a business delegation from India visited Kyrgyzstan under the leadership of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) of India PHDCCI. This was reported in the Kyrgyz Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (KUIE). More than 20 Indian business representatives met with President of the KUIE Danil Ibraev, Ambassador of Kyrgyzstan to India Asein Isaev and members of the KUIE. During the meeting, the Indian side announced priority areas of activity with Kyrgyzstan, including: