
Turkey will donate 200,000 doses of Sinovac coronavirus vaccine to Uzbekistan. The related news took place on the official web page of Gazeta.Uz news site on 11 October.


Kazakhstan intends to increase the export of its numerous products to Iran through Turkmenistan. The total amount of the exports can reach $162.3 million, Vice Minister of Trade and Integration of Kazakhstan Kairat Torebayev said during his two-day visit to Tehran.


Ashrafcon Gulov, head of Tajikistan's diplomatic mission in Turkey, met with Cetin Ali Dönmez, head of the Ministry of Industry and Technology of the Republic of Turkey.


Transport and logistics company "Bir Kuvvat" and LLC "Uzagrotrade" (Uzbekistan) signed a memorandum of cooperation in the fields of trade, transport and logistics. The signing ceremony took place following the results of the official visit of the President of Turkmenistan to the Republic of Uzbekistan on October 4-5, 2021.


According to the data published by the National Bank of Kazakhstan, the rate of foreign direct investment in the country in the first half of this year increased by 30 percent compared to the same period of 2020.


According to the statement made by the Press Office of the Presidency of Uzbekistan, presidential candidate of Uzbekistan from the Movement of Entrepreneurs and Business People Shavkat Mirziyoyev met with voters of the Surkhandarya region on October 8.


It was reported that the investment volume related to the first Kazakhstan statement in 2021 exceeded 30.4% and a total of 11.1. It was published on the official website of the Presidency of Kazakhstan on 5 October.


An agreement was signed between Turkey and Kyrgyzstan in order to develop and deepen mutual relations in the field of industry and technology. The agreement was signed by Minister of Industry and Technology Mustafa Varank and Minister of Energy and Industry of Kyrgyzstan Doskul Bekmurzaev.


A delegation of 22 people led by the head of the Turkish industrial zone OSTIM Orhan Aydin and the rector of the Technical University OSTIM Murat Yulek arrived in Kyrgyzstan. Related news, was featured on the official website of Kabar. kg on October 5th.


According to a statement by the Presidential press service of Uzbekistan, 23 documents affecting the areas of trade, transport, transit, water-saving technologies, as well as social protection, statistics, quarantine and plant protection, science and culture were signed on October 5 between Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan following high-level talks in Tashkent. The related news was published on the official site of turkmenportal.com.