
In June of this year, Uzbekistan released the first ventilator.Hi-tech medical equipment was produced by the resident company of the special economic zone "Technopolis Moscow"-"Hirana+ "(part of the innovative Technopark" Yashnabad " under the brand Chirana Asia).


On June 25, the Board of Directors of the Asian development Bank (ADB) approved the allocation of $ 500 million in budget support to Uzbekistan. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Investment and Foreign Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan.


Tajikistan has increased exports of precious and semi-precious stones and metals since the beginning of this year.


The Ministry of ecology, geology and natural resources of Kazakhstan plans to develop a marketing strategy to attract large foreign investors to the country's exploration, as well as a roadshow. This was announced on his Twitter page by the head of the Department MagzumMirzagaliyev, Kazinform Agency reports.


Tajikistan's main export partners are Switzerland, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Afghanistan. This is reported by the Tajik publishing house "Avesta" with reference to the Ministry of Economic and Trade Development of the Republic.


The Uzbek authorities plan to introduce a new type of immigration visa within the framework of the “Uzbekistan — My Second Home” program.


According to the international rating, Uzbekistan has entered the top ten producers of dried apricot in the world, the correspondent reports of Podrobno.uz.


There is good news in the national automotive industry, the “Kyrgyz UnaaKurulush” plant will start producing electric buses for the first time in the country. The first electric buses are being prepared for the Independence in Day of Kyrgyzstan which is August.


Between January and April of 2020, Kazakhstan's mutual trade with the EEU countries amounted to 5685.9 million US dollars, “Kazinform” (international news agency) reported by referring to the Committee on Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Turkey and Kazakhstan have all chances to expand trade and economic cooperation and bring the trade turnover to the level of four billion dollars.