Kazpravda.kz reported that Magzum Mirzagaliev, Minister of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan spoke about the progress of modernization and expansion of infrastructure for irrigation of land in Kazakhstan during the Government meeting.

In 2020, the total sown area of agricultural crops will be 22.5 million hectares. This was announced by the first Vice-Minister of agriculture Aidarbek Saparov during an online briefing in the Central Communications Service, the correspondent of Kazpravda.kz reports.

In Kazakhstan, 147 social facilities will be built because of the new employment roadmap. This was announced by the Minister of information and public development of Kazakhstan Dauren Abayev during an online briefing according to the reports of the Kazpravda.kz correspondent.

Over T23 billion was spent on the fight against coronavirus from the government's reserves according to Minister of information and public consent of Kazakhstan Dauren Abayev.


Kazakhstan will allocate about 10 billion dollars to fight the crisis. This was stated by the President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev at a meeting of the State Commission on the state of emergency, reports Kazpravda.kz.

"In 2020, 25 industrial dairy farms will be built with the use of modern digital technologies, three meat processing plants, eight poultry farms, it is also planned to lay gardens on 2 thousand hectares, the construction of a sugar factory in Zhambyl region has begun. Preparatory work has been carried out on all these projects over the past year.


Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan are starting construction of the international center for trade and economic cooperation "Central Asia" (ICTES) on the Kazakh-Uzbek border, informed   Minister of trade and integration of Kazakhstan Bakhyt Sultanov, KazTAG reports.


Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Askar Mamin received Suma Chakrabarti, President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), as Kazinform reports with the reference to primeminister.kz.


According to the information provided by the Ministry of Energy of Kazakhstan after the renewal of 3 refineries in 2018 crude oil processing capacity of these refineries increased.


The head of government held a meeting on development of fishing industry in the Republic of Kazakhstan.