“It is very important that Central Asia receives some benefit from the One Belt - One Road project and should not be only a corridor for the exchange of goods between Europe and Asia,” said head of the Central Asia Department at the European External Action Service Boris Yaroshevich.

Kyrgyz Repuplic Prime Minister Muhammedkalyi Abylgaziev stated that the government attaches great importance to the support and development of light industry, one of the priority sectors of the country's economy.

About 362 thousand tons of petroleum products were imported by Tajikistan for ten months of this year. According to the relevant departments of the republic, during this period, a total of 361.7 thousand tons of petroleum products were imported for a total of  252.8 million dollars.

The Board of Directors of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) approved a loan of $ 500 million to support the transport network of Turkmenistan, increase the reliability of the country's energy supply and increase electricity exports to neighboring countries.

In the first half of 2018, exports of tourism services amounted to more than $ 220 million.

Russia and Azerbaijan are drawing up plans to put the fossil fuel-rich Caspian Sea to a new use as the next leisure destination.

The Russian-built, 310-passenger cruise ship Peter the Great will make its maiden voyage next year, making calls in ports in the five countries that share the sea: Russia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Iran.

The scheme has been personally endorsed by Russian President Vladimir Putin on a recent visit to Aktau, Kazakhstan’s main Caspian port. When appropriate tourism infrastructure is prepared, the region is expected to attract 1 million tourists a year.

The Peter the Great is currently under construction at a shipyard in Astrakhan, Russia’s main Caspian port. Once the Caspian cruises are established the ship will travel upstream on the Volga River to the Don River and then down to the Azov and Black Seas.


Armenia is at risk of losing its position as nominal head of a post-Soviet political-military bloc as leaders of the group appear to be leaning toward appointing a non-Armenian as leader.

09.11. 2018, Bishkek

The European Union will allocate 10 million euros to combat radioactive waste in Central Asia. The EU Delegation to Kyrgyzstan informed 24.kg news agency on November 9, 2018.

02.11. 2018.


Asian Development Bank (ADB) allocated $ 78 million for the construction of two sections of the North-South Road. This was reported by the press service of the Asian Development Bank on November 2, 2018.

The intergovernmental Agreement was signed between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Kyrgyz Republic on international road transport of December 25, 2003. From 5 to 6 November 2018, in Astana, the regular meeting of the Kazakh-Kyrgyz Commission on Road Transport was held in the framework of this agreement.