
Kyrgyzstan can become a link between Azerbaijan and China for the delivery of goods, thereby opening the way to Turkey and European countries. It was stated by the Chairman of the Customs Service of the Kyrgyz Republic Samat Isabekov at the Caspian Investment Forum Bishkek held on April 17th, 2024.


The number of Azerbaijani enterprises operating in Kazakhstan by April 2024 increased by 19% compared to the same period last year, Report informs referring to the National Bureau of Statistics.


Two development funds established in Kyrgyzstan with Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan have agreed on cooperation and exchange of experience.


A delegation of Surkhandarya region signed contracts worth US$124 million during a visit to Hungary from 7 to 9 April 2024. The delegation from Uzbekistan held a number of events, meetings and negotiations in the capital of Hungary, Budapest.


Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan are going to enter into an agreement on the construction of the Kambarata hydroelectric power station (HPP-1) on the Naryn River in Kyrgyzstan.


Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan have discussed the immediate launch of practical implementation of major infrastructure projects in the energy and transport sectors.


Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Olzhas Bektenov arrived in Bishkek to meet with Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Kyrgyzstan Akylbek Zhaparov. The parties discussed improving economic cooperation and interaction between the two countries, the press office of the Government of Kyrgyzstan reported.


Azerbaijan has invested $1 billion 815.1 million in the Turkish economy in 2023. Report reports with reference to the Central Bank of Azerbaijan (CBA) that this is 7.3 times more than in 2022.


Kyrgyzstan and Azerbaijan have reached the level of strategic partnership. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Kyrgyzstan to Azerbaijan and Georgia Kairat Osmonaliev told about it on April 11 on air of "Birinchi Radio". He emphasized the importance of establishing transport communication between Asia and Europe within the framework of trade routes that pass through the territory of both Kyrgyzstan and Azerbaijan.


Russia, Türkiye and Georgia were the top three export destinations of Azerbaijan’s non-oil products in January-February of this year, according to the March edition of the “Export Review” magazine published by the Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication.