In the first quarter of 2020, the industry of Turkmenistan showed positive dynamics, due to the growth of industrialization and production volumes. According to expert economist Valentin Trapeznikov, this will allow the country's economy to maintain growth rates even in the conditions of the global crisis. This was reported by the online radio "Voice of the CIS".

A batch of the Russian medication Triazavirin, which is being tested in China for the treatment of coronavirus, has been delivered to Turkmenistan. This is reported by TASS, referring to the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the company "Medsintez" Alexander Petrov, which produces the preparation.

Several raw material sources are used from Turkmenistan for natural gas supplies to the Central Asia-China gas pipeline. "Bagtyyarlyk” territory includes fields, which are established by CNPC International (Turkmenistan) under the terms of the production agreement.


In Dubai, from 24 to 25 February the Hyatt Regency Dubai Creek Heights hotel hosted the road show "Oil and gas of Turkmenistan 2020". It aimed at attracting investment in the country's energy industry.


New tariffs have been approved for the transit of oil products from Turkmenistan through Azerbaijan and Georgia. Agreements were made on seasonal transit transportation of petroleum products from Turkmenistan at reduced rates. This was reported by TSS with reference to the press service of JSC "Georgian Railway".


In January 2020, oil production reached 318.2 thousand tons, gas - 376 million cubic meters. This is significantly higher than last year according to the Internet newspaper "Oil and Gas of Turkmenistan".


 "The Russian oil company Lukoil has strategic interests in Turkmenistan, which possesses significant reserves of hydrocarbons", said the head of the Russian oil company Vagit Alikperov during the meeting with the president Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in Ashgabat.  This was reported on the official website of Lukoil.


A ceremony was held in Mary velayat (regions in the South-East of the country) to begin construction of the Turkmen section of the Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan electricity line (TAP).


President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov signed today a decree which will allow the State concern "Türkmengaz" to enter into an agreement with the company " Serba Dinamik Sdn.Bhd " (Malaysia). This contract is for the purchase of various materials and equipment, delivery and installation of telemechanics and control systems, SCADA communications, as well as a set of equipment for the gas measuring station.

January 24, 2020

On January 24, Ashgabat signed the Agreement on cooperation in the implementation of the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan transmission line project. It was concluded between the Ministry of Energy of Turkmenistan and TAPP-500 Power Transmission Line FZE, a subsidiary of Çalyk Holding A.Ş. (Turkey).