December 19, 2019

"Support for the agricultural sector will contribute directly to regional development.",Said the Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic, Muhammedkaly Abylgaziev, during a tour at the greenhouse complex in the village of Aravan district, Osh region.

December 11, 2019

Within the framework of the CASA-1000 project, Kyrgyzstan will earn more than $ 1.5 billion over 15 years. Executive Director for the implementation of projects of the National Electric Network of Kyrgyzstan OJSC Akylbek Tyumenbayev announced this  at a press conference in the Kabar news agency.

December 11, 2019

In period of  January-October 2019, Kyrgyzstan's foreign trade turnover  amounted more than $ 5.6 billion, and compared with same period of last year, decreased by 2.1%.

December 06, 2019

 "Kyrgyzstan and China are geographically close and they have the same development goals", Chinese ambassador Yue Bin anounced this on special instructions from the Chinese Foreign Ministry in Kyrgyzstan, at a press conference on December 6.


Period of January-September 2019, Kyrgyzstan's foreign trade turnover of agricultural products increased by 17.7% compared to the previous year and amounted to $ 660.1 million.  Said, Deputy Minister of Agriculture Zhanybek Kerimaliev in press conference



According to the data provided by the National Statistical Committee of Republic of Kyrgyzstan, 6.9 thousand individual residential buildings with a total area of ​​788.3 thousand square meters were commissioned in In January - October 2019.


The 9th meeting of the Intergovernmental Kyrgyz-Turkish Commission on Trade and Economic Cooperation, was held In the city of Ankara (Turkish Republic).


Kyrgyzstan's Kumtor gold mine produced 14 tons of 48.8 kilograms (451 thousand 679 ounces) of gold in the first nine months of 2019. Canada-based Kumtor Gold Company, which holds the operating rights of the mine, in the first nine months of 2019, it was announced to the public that the tax and compulsory payments of 10.79 billion Kyrgyz som were transferred to the Kyrgyz state treasury.


Kyrgyzstan wants to be among the top 70 most popular countries in world tourism. In this respect, Kyrgyzstan plans to become one of the top 70 countries in the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) in the next 4 years.


Asian Development Bank will allocate $ 100 million budget for the renovation of the Uch-Kurgansk Hydroelectric Power Plant in Kyrgyzstan’s Jalal-Abad region. To this end, the Kyrgyz Government and the Asian Development Bank signed a loan and grant agreement on 02.11.19 for the renovation project of the Uch-Kurgansk HPP.