
Turkey may export about 40 billion cubic meters of gas through the hub being created on its territory.


An extraordinary meeting of the Summit of the Heads of the member Countries of the Organization of Turkic States (OTG) was held in Ankara (Republic of Turkey) on March 16.


President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Zhaparov met with President of the Republic of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Ankara on March 15. The leaders of the countries discussed a wide range of issues of bilateral and multilateral cooperation, paid special attention to strengthening ties in political, trade, economic and other spheres.


The trade turnover between Azerbaijan and Turkey is planned to increase to 15 billion US dollars.


Azerbaijan raised the idea of implementing the Southern Gas Corridor, implemented this economic project of international importance, and was able to show itself as a reliable partner.


Turkey will ensure the transportation of Azerbaijani gas to Hungary.


According to the Institute of Statistics of the Republic of Turkey, Turkey's trade turnover with Central Asian countries increased by 30% in January-November 2022.


According to the data issued by Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat), the trade turnover between Turkmenistan and Turkey amounted to more than $1.86 billion from January to November last year, which is 9.7% more than last year.


Turkey aims to implement the project of creating the energy hub for natural gas supplies to Europe within one year, the Turkish Daily Sabah newspaper reported on Wednesday, citing the country’s Energy and Natural Resources Minister Fatih Donmez as saying in a meeting with journalists at the Filyos Natural Gas Processing Plant in the Black Sea region’s Zonguldak province.


President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov will visit Türkiye in early 2023, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Thursday during an interview with Turkish journalists on his return from Turkmenistan. Erdogan added that he hopes the issue of export of Turkmen gas to Europe will be resolved during the visit, the Anadolu Agency reports.