
According to the Bureau of National Statistics, the output of passenger cars for ten months of this year amounted to а record 61.8 thousand — 19% more than a year earlier. Such data is provided by energyprom.kz. In value terms, the production of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers reached 556.9 billion tenge in ten months against 460.9 billion tenge in the same period last year.


The Uzbek-Kazakh Business Forum and the 4th meeting of the Uzbek-Kazakh Business Council were held in the capital of Kazakhstan, the press service of the Ministry of Investment and Foreign Trade of Uzbekistan reports. 15 agreements were signed for a total of 2 billion US dollars.


Energy Minister Magzum Mirzagaliev said that following the results of the trade and investment forum held in the UAE (Dubai), which took place within the framework of the National Day of Kazakhstan at EXPO 2020 Dubai, a number of investment agreements were signed with the UAE in the energy sector, Kazpravda.kz reports.


The liquid gas production in Kazakhstan is going to be increased by 300,000 tons and reach 3.5 million tons by 2025 in total, according to Minister of Energy Magzum Mirzagaliyev’s report to the government.


Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan signed contracts for $611 million today during the interregional forum in Turkestan. This was reported to Kabar by the press service of the Uzbek government.


An innovative project for growing greenery is being implemented by the domestic investor "Green Smart Farm" with the support of JSC "NC "KAZAKH INVEST". The greenhouse complex with a total cost of 3.4 billion tenge will create about 50 permanent jobs. The annual capacity at the first stage will be about 2,200 tons of greenery.


National Economy Minister of Kazakhstan Aset Irgaliyev stated that 5 chemical oil and gas plants will be established in Kazakhstan by 2025. The related news was published on the official website of Kapial.Kz on November 6.


On November 9, Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Askar Mamin reviewed the implementation of investment projects in the field of renewable energy sources (RES) within the framework of a meeting of the country's investment headquarters. This was reported to Central Asia.news by the Prime minister's press service.


A plant for production of pipes for oil and gas industry was opened in Aktau with the participation of the head of the region Nurlan Nogayev, Kazpravda.kz reports with reference to the Mangistau region akimat.


Kazakhstan’s grain supplies to Turkmenistan in the first nine months of 2021 increased by 27% compared to the same period last year. From January to September, Kazakhstan has shipped 13 thousand tons of grain to Turkmenistan via the railway, ElDala.kz agriculture information portal reported on Friday.